3 Freaky Horror Games Starring Siren Head - The Tall & Terrifying Monster Created by Slimyswampghost - godsandmonstersgame.com

3 Freaky Horror Games Starring Siren Head – The Tall & Terrifying Monster Created by Slimyswampghost

Alpha Beta Gamer
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3 Freaky Horror Games Starring Siren Head – The Tall & Terrifying Monster Created by Slimyswampghost

Siren Head was originally created by Trevor Henderson (Slimyswampghost)

The games are all (rather confusingly) called “Siren Head” but you can find them here:
Siren Head by Adexin:
Siren Head: The Game by Galactic Crows:
Siren Head by Modus Interactive:

I’ve played the last game before on this channel, but it was a slightly earlier build (the original game jam build).