HUGGY WUGGY - I'm not a monster #Shorts -

HUGGY WUGGY – I’m not a monster #Shorts

Cave Game
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HUGGY WUGGY – I’m not a monster

Haggi Waggi is shown in the game as a huge creature with incredibly long arms and legs, which makes him stand at least 10 feet tall, like a monkey in a sock. He has blue fur and many sharp teeth, as well as another mouth in his mouth. He has yellow hands, red lips and eyes similar to those of Google. He also wears a blue bow tie. Although it appears to be a robotic creature at first glance, Huggy Wuggy’s revelation of his multiple mouths, the blood he produces when he falls to his supposed death, and the saliva in his mouth when he kills a former employee strongly hints at what he has there are actually organic parts of the body.
