Hunting Down and Destroying Every Giant Sea Monster We Can Find – What Lives Below
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Hunting Down and Destroying Every Giant Sea Monster We Can Find – What Lives Below
Welcome to What Lives Below! What Lives Below is a Kaiju hunting game, where you take a small boat out to the open ocean, hunt down and destroy every giant sea monster we can find. Let’s play What Lives Below!
Welcome to What Lives Below! What Lives Below is a Kaiju hunting game, where you take a small boat out to the open ocean, hunt down and destroy every giant sea monster we can find. Let’s play What Lives Below!
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About What Lives Below:
What Lives Below is a kaiju hunting game where you set out on the open ocean in a very small boat to slay the biggest sea monsters you can find. This is just the demo, but it’s insanely well done so far. Maybe more monsters to come in the future?
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