ISU-152: Monster Game! II Wot Console - World of Tanks Console Modern Armour -

ISU-152: Monster Game! II Wot Console – World of Tanks Console Modern Armour

The Randy Duck
Views: 219
Like: 53
World of Tanks Console of the tier 8 soviet tank destroyer the ISU-152, in wotconsole and world of tanks console modern armour.

Plebs discord is where I hang around, Join to get the notified when my YT vids go live and when I stream, also that of Swindle, Chopper, Turkey, Sinz too!

Can Only have 100 members a clan, so there’s separate (but the same) clans so everybody can be a Pleb! Thankyou to everyone who’s joining us!
Join -Pleb Community clan here now! = …
Second Clan (Don’t worry same clan just a slightly different name)-

Pleb Third Clan (Same as Clan as others effectively)

#WorldofTanks #WorldofTanksConsole #Wotconsole #WorldofTanksModernarmour