MY PET MONSTER!! Adley has a NEW bedtime routine! Learning Magic to bring art to life with OSMO! -

MY PET MONSTER!! Adley has a NEW bedtime routine! Learning Magic to bring art to life with OSMO!

A for Adley – Learning & Fun
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COME PLAY!! It’s our new before bed routine as a Family with Osmo and Mo the Monster!


HEY EVERYBODY! We got a new surprise that I can’t wait to show you!! Its called OSMO!! Osmo is a fun new toy that we can hook up to the iPad and it helps bring my art to life!! It also came with some games that I could play!! One of them is called Monster where I can play with my new friend Mo the Monster!! He is so fun!! He took us on an adventure where we met BIGFOOT, he performed a magic show for us, and we helped him decorate his house!! I’ve loved having this soo much, it actually makes me excited for bedtime now 🙂

my last video – FROZEN 2 how to make SNOW!! Adley finds hidden Disney Princess Elsa, Anna, and Olaf in her new toys!

my dad’s last video – SNEAKiNG OUT of the HOUSE!! Showing Adley the NEW Spacestation Floor! (and Tesla Cybertruck)

Bye vlog *pshhhhh*

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