Sea Monsters: Bloop, Megalodon, Blue Whale, Shark, Giant Squid In Real Life on Google Earth! -

Sea Monsters: Bloop, Megalodon, Blue Whale, Shark, Giant Squid In Real Life on Google Earth!

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What’s up guys! In this video I show Sea Monsters on Google Earth! That’s so scary. Watch the video until the end.

00:00 All Sea Monsters Size Comparison: Great White Shark, Orca, Pliosaur, Colossal Squid, Megalodon, Plesiosaur, Humpback Whale, Giant Squid, Blue Whale, Bloop 21°27’23.5″N 157°44’17.9″W
02:28 Scary Sea Monsters – Kraken, Megalodon, Sea Dragons 28°27’07.7″S 113°43’36.2″E
03:41 BLOOP SWALLOWS BLUE WHALE! 12°43’01.6″S 45°09’59.0″E
04:36 SWALLOWED BY A BLUE WHALE! 6°01’15.0″N 80°13’08.4″E
05:54 TERRIFYING Sea Creatures – Deep Ocean Horror 28°19’24.0″N 129°55’16.2″E
07:09 Dive to SHARKS in a clear SEA! 54°07’52.9″N 165°47’01.6″W
07:54 TERRIFYING Sea Monsters – CAGE OCEAN HORROR 29°10’33.3″N 118°19’19.1″W
09:11 Shark Cage! Can You Escape? 5°06’07.9″S 114°35’45.4″E
10:09 When Mosasaurus Attacks 44°16’03.6″S 176°07’44.9″W

#SeaMonsters #Bloop #BlueWhale